In the rich tapestry of Moroccan cuisine, Moroccan Msemen stands out as a versatile and beloved dish. Often referred to as Moroccan flatbread, Msemen is an integral part of the culinary culture and is considered one of the best foods in Morocco. This flaky, layered bread can be served during breakfast, as a snack, or alongside a cup of mint tea. Here, we delve into the traditional method of making Msemen, sharing a recipe that captures the essence of this delightful bread.


To prepare Msemen, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups of fine semolina
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon yeast
  • Warm water (as needed to form a dough)
  • 1/2 cup of vegetable oil
  • 1/4 cup of melted butter
  • Extra flour and semolina for dusting

Preparation Of Moroccan Msemen Recipe

1. Dough Mixing

Begin by mixing the all-purpose flour, fine semolina, salt, sugar, and yeast in a large bowl. Gradually add warm water to the mixture, kneading continuously until you achieve a soft, elastic dough. This process is crucial as it affects the texture of the Msemen.

2. Resting the Dough

Cover the dough with a clean cloth and let it rest for about 15 minutes. This resting period allows the gluten in the dough to develop, making it easier to shape the bread.

3. Dividing the Dough

After resting, divide the dough into small balls approximately the size of a golf ball. Coat each ball lightly with a mixture of vegetable oil and melted butter. This prevents the dough from drying out and helps create the signature flaky layers of the Msemen.

4. Shaping the Msemen

Flatten each ball into a thin circle using your hands or a rolling pin. Dust with a mixture of flour and semolina as needed to prevent sticking. Once flattened, fold the edges of the dough towards the center to form a square shape.

5. Cooking

Heat a flat skillet or griddle over medium heat. Cook each piece of folded dough until golden brown, about 2-3 minutes per side. The Msemen should be turned only once to maintain its layered texture.

Serving Suggestions

Msemen is incredibly versatile and can be served in various ways:

  • Sweet: Sprinkle sugar on top of the hot Msemen, or serve with honey or jam.
  • Savory: Accompany with Moroccan spiced meats or a side of harissa for a savory snack.
  • Plain: Enjoy with Moroccan mint tea as a traditional Moroccan snack or breakfast.


Moroccan Msemen is not just a dish; it’s a cultural experience, often enjoyed in the company of family and friends. Its popularity and versatility make it a cornerstone of what many consider the best food in Morocco. Whether you choose to enjoy it sweet or savory, Msemen offers a taste of Moroccan hospitality and the richness of its culinary heritage. This recipe not only provides a delicious result but also an opportunity to engage in the art of Moroccan bread-making.

You can see also Msemen maamer recipe – Moroccan stuffed flatbreads

Author Achraf

Hi, I'm Ashraf Aazmi, a 25-year-old cook and blogger from Morocco. I share healthy cooking and Moroccan recipes on AAZMI HEALTH. Join me for delicious meals!

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